Financing your dream home?
vixx takes care of it

You usually need a mortgage when you want to buy a house. You might think this is taken care of in no time but it can be a bit more complicated in certain situations. For example, when you are running your own business. Or if you have a lot of capital gain on your property. It does not make a difference to us, we can help everyone. But where to start? How do you know you’ve got the best deal available? We take care of this for you. So you don’t have to worry about anything.

I want a mortgage calculation

Vixx can help you with this

Buying your first home? You will need to a apply for a mortgage, but you might be overwhelmed by all this. Let Vixx help you, so you can spread your wings.

You think all your (financial) affairs are in order? But you are not looking forward to all the hassle which comes with choosing a mortgage? Our consultants will fix the best financial deal for your dream home in no-time. This means you won't have to read the small print and you will never pay too much for your mortgage.

Whether you are self employed or a share holder: getting a mortgage is not always easy when you run your own business.
Your situation is unique and you need made-to-measure advice. Vixx helps you getting clear what your wishes and demands are. Your Vixxer will go the extra mile to get the best deal for you. Because this is what we do best.

Your children have moved out and you would like to buy a smaller house. You can think of better things to do with your valuable time then cleaning your house on a weekly basis! Will you able to get a new mortgage when you are so close to retirement? And will it cover the purchase of a new home? Don't worry. Vixx has plenty of options for you. We will make sure you can enjoy your remaining years in the house which suits you best.

You live in a beautiful home and don't want to move. But the living room is a bit small. You are running out of space. Vixx can solve this problem for you. We can arrange a construction deposit. You can finish your dream home. And you can continue living there in the years to come. Vixx helps you further. Even when you don't want to go anywhere.

You are outgrowing your home and renovating is not an option. Time to look for a new home. One that does have a big living room and a spacious garden. Vixx is happy to help finding a mortgage with the lowest interest rate possible. A mortgage that meets all your needs, now and in the future. Looking for a smaller house? No worries, Vixx takes care of it.

Is your house worth more than your mortgage? This means you have capital gain on your property. You can use this piggy bank for different things: (partly) financing the purchase of a second home, renovating your existing home, or when you are buying a new property. Our Vixxers can work it all out for you. Capital gain? Vixx takes care of it.

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Let Vixx help you
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We go on where others give up. We have a solution for every situation. Get in touch via telehone, whatsapp or email and we will help you further.

Buying your first home

Buying your first home? You will need to a apply for a mortgage, but you might be overwhelmed by all this. Let Vixx help you, so you can spread your wings.

Curious how much you can borrow? Take the Vixx Mortgage Check®

The Vixx Mortgage Check provides you with made-to-measure advice. We calculate how much you can borrow from the bank and which deal suits you best.

  • Free of charge and non-binding
  • Experienced consultants
  • Vixx helps you go further
  • Comparing 35+ banks
Vixx Mortgage check®

refinancing your mortgage?
vixx takes care of it.

The historically low interest rate can make refinancing your mortgage a benificial affair. You can save hundreds of euros every month when paying less interest. You can also refinance your mortgage in order to free up capital gain for a renovation project or a financial gift.

  • Benefit from exceptionally low interest rates
  • Independent and non-binding advice (30+ financial providers)
  • Lower monthly costs substantially
  • Personal advice
  • No charges before knowing whether you can save money (no cure no pay)
Refinancing mortgage

Mortgage related questions

Do you have enough money to help your son or daughter to purchase his/her first home? Wonderful! This could be done as a gift. In most cases, a one-off gift of €102,010.- is allowed. Do you not have this amount of money? Not a problem. A smaller amount is also possible. You can always give an annual tax free gift of €5428.- to your child. Or you can lend your child some money. Don't worry. Vixx can help you out and will take care of it.

Since 2018, you are allowed to borrow 100% of the value of your house. This does not include the purchasing costs payable by the purchaser. Do you need to pay these yourself? You might prefer not to do this, as it can be handy to have some money available for decorating or renovating the house. Curious to find out where you stand? Just ask Vixx.

You hear it quite often, just buy an apartment and rent it out. It's a quick and easy way to make money. However, this is not as easy as buying a house for yourself to live in. There are different rules and regulations in place. You need to bring in a large sum of your own money and the bank will only supply a mortgage covering 70% of the rented value. Want to know more? Just make an appointment and we will make sure your affairs are taken care of.

Yes you can. If you earn enough money, you can use capital gain for a renovation. There are quite a few options. Get in touch and we will look into the different options with you.

There are plenty of tools online which you can use to calculate how much you can borrow. But letting Vixx do the maths for you could increase the maximum you can borrow with possibly 40%. Make an appointment to get more information on this.

As soon as the building company starts building your house, your mortgage payments start. You are probably still living in your current home, and therefore face double housing costs. You might be able to pay these without any problems. If not, our consultants can look into the options of including these costs in your mortgage plan. This will give you the opportunity to enjoy your daily life without having to keep your wallet in your pocket.

Getting a mortgage is not that easy when you are self-employed or work as a temporary worker. The banks are a bit more reluctant as you do not have a permanent contract. They need to understand your situation. Vixx takes them by the hand and explains the situation to them, enabling you to buy your dream home.

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Retiring and moving to a smaller property. Is that possible?

Mr. and mrs. Traag are retired. Their current property is getting too big and they would like to...
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Moving but current property has not been sold yet.

Mr. and mrs. de Ligt would like to buy their dream house but their current property has not been...
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I recently started my own business.

Vienna has recently started working as an independent hairdresser. She thought it was impossible to...
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I have a loan and can't buy another house.

Meghan found a new home and her offer has been accepted. But getting a new mortgage is not as easy...
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Retiring and moving to a smaller property. Is that possible?

Mr. and mrs. Traag are retired. Their current property is getting too big and they would like to move to senior accommodation. Their bank informed them they will not be applicable for a mortgage. Luckily they got talking to Vixx. Vixx is in business with pretty much all finance providers and found a suitable mortgage provider for them. Mr. and mrs. Traag enjoy living in their senior accommodation, thanks to Vixx.


Moving but current property has not been sold yet.

Mr. and mrs. de Ligt would like to buy their dream house but their current property has not been sold yet. This makes them feel quite uncomfortable. Luckily, Vixx was able to move fast when they received interesting offers for their new home from several financial providers. The mortgage was handled quickly. Shortly after they sold their house. And they now enjoy living in their dream house, thanks to Vixx.


I recently started my own business.

Vienna has recently started working as an independent hairdresser. She thought it was impossible to get a mortgage as she only just started her own business. Vixx showed her that some financial providers think outside the box, where there is no need to have been working for your own company for at least three years. Vixx managed to get her a favourable mortgage. Vienna is over the moon as she can start receiving customers at her own hair salon in her new home, which is also cost effective!


I have a loan and can't buy another house.

Meghan found a new home and her offer has been accepted. But getting a new mortgage is not as easy as she thought as she just took out a loan to buy a new car. Because of this loan, her own bank was unable to offer her a new mortgage. A friend told her about Vixx. Luckily, we know it is possible to pay off the loan with the capital gain from the previous property. Meghan has now moved to her new home and is very happy Vixx was able to help her out.


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